Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 20: Rome Quiz & the Rise of Christianity (10/1/12)

Standard 7.1.3 Describe the establishment by Constantine of the new capital in Constantinople and the development of the Byzantine Empire, with an emphasis on the consequences of the development of two distinct European civilizations, Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic, and their two distinct views on church-state relations.

SS Objective: The HHG Tributes of 2018 will be able to discuss the consequences of the development of two distinct European civilizations, the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic.

DL Objective: The HHG Tributes of 2018 will be able to work collaboratively to read and annotate and article using google docs.

Step 1 QUIZ: You are about to take a quiz. The expectation is that you are silent, working independently, with eyes on your own computer. Before you begin, close All tabs. If you have any tabs open other than your quiz, it will result in a score of zero. When you have closed all tabs, you may begin your quiz on Rome.

Step 2: DO NOW  When you are finished with quiz, join the Google Moderator. How are religions started? How do they "catch on"?

Step 3: Compare and Contrast. When the Roman Empire split, two distinct European civilizations began to develop. Church officials were already disagreeing about a number of things, so the distance between the two power hubs only made the problem worse. Eventually, the bishops of Rome and Constantinople excommunicated each other, and the two distinct sects developed: Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. Read and annotate this article with your partner.

Step 4: Study Help!

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Join me on Quizlet! This is a great place to review important people and key concepts. You can review flash cards, play games, and take quizzes to help review for the final exam. I will sometimes make sets for the class, but you can make your own sets to study, too! Here is a set for Rome!

Step 5: Homework: Use the article you and your partner annotated in class (if your class did not get to do this, you must do it yourself now-- do not forget to put the document in your History folder) to answer the questions on the workbook page.

1 comment:

  1. HOw could people do that why would they do that dont they have hearts don't they have souls laughing in people face as they die.They should have gotten dragged in with them the lion should have jumped and killed that old man laughing >:(
