Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Day 16: Roman Republic & the U.S. (10/25/12)

St. Peter's Basilica
United States Capitol Building
SS Objective: The HHG Tributes of 2018 will be able to describe the political structure of the Roman Republic, and compare it to the United States government.

Step 2: Do Now. What do you think divides people more in our country: money or race? Explain your answer with details. 

All together:
Step 3: We will read and annotate the article from last night together. You should end class with an understanding of what to highlight, how to comment, and how to summarize.

Step 4: Are you all caught up with yesterday's work?  Research the following, grow your brain for 8th grade, and prepare for the essay we will be writing on Rome.

Want a few Roman giggles? Watch this video.

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